mosaic artist studio

Art-Nouveau period mosaic

Learn more about the Art-Nouveau period Mosaic:

Very ornamental, the Art Nouveau period mosaic is distinguished by its arabesque shapes, its curves and volutes, its extravagant style!

Photo above: Art Nouveau style building in Paris, signed by the architect Paul Auscher, in 1904.

The inspiration of the time often comes from the famous painters: Alfonse Mucha, Eugène Grasse or Gustave Klimt.



Photo opposite: the famous ‘ nouille style ‘ of the Parisian Metro.



There are many buildings representative of this style in Belgium, as below:

-descent of the staircase of the hotel tassel in Brussels

-pavement of the Hotel Hannon in Brussels



Contact the Stuc & mosaic workshop for the restoration or creation of a mosaic of Art Nouveau style!